
What are the hosting standards at Billy Stay?

These standards can help you earn excellent reviews for offering excellent, reliable hospitality. You can see how you’re doing by checking your guests’ ratings and feedback.

When you access your dashboard, you’ll see the ratings you’ve received for communication, registration, accuracy, cleanliness and overall experience. You’ll also see your response rate on your dashboard. To find out about your booking commitment, visit the Superhost section of your dashboard. And by checking your calendar frequently, you can keep your availability up to date.

Availability list update

Always make sure you can make a reservation. By keeping your calendar and registration information up to date, you improve your ability to receive booking requests.

Update your calendar to respond to your bookings, so that you don’t get booking requests when you’re not yet available.

Update options allow you to set the processing time between bookings, or to notify booking requests on the same day or at a certain distance.

If you choose a minimum or maximum stay, you will only receive booking requests corresponding to your preferences.

Consequently, if you refuse an excessive number of reservation requests, your registration may be temporarily deactivated.


Whenever a guest arrives outside, whether you have a reservation with them or not, their response quickly shows that you are an attentive and caring host.
  • The frequency and speed with which you respond to reservation requests and booking inquiries is measured by your response rate.
  • You can respond to questions and booking requests within 24 hours to ensure your response rate.
  • If your advertisement is not published, or if a visitor cannot abide by the House rules you have defined, be sure to decline the booking request without delay.

Duty to commit to reservations

When you confirm to someone that you can take them in, they’re confident that you’ll provide for them. Whether it’s a family vacation or a business trip, having to change accommodation suddenly can be very frustrating. If something unexpected happens and you can’t help but cancel a confirmed booking, here are a few things to keep in mind:
  • Inform your hosts immediately when you notice that you have to make reservations, to give them time to look for new accommodation.
  • To begin the repatriation process, cancel your reservation request.
  • Billy Stay may, in exceptional cases or for safety reasons, make an exception to the cancellation penalties imposed by Billy Stay.
  • We want those who book with Billy Stay to be confident in their plans, so cancellations are taken seriously.
  • If the cancellation is confirmed, you are liable to fines, including pecuniary penalties.


Your guests will be asked to rate their check-in experience at the end of their stay, so this is an opportunity to take extra care. Keep in mind that your guests may be tired from traveling, so it’s important to put them at ease with a clear and simple check-in process.
  • Make your registration method known in good time, and make sure you can follow it.
  • Make sure your guests know how to contact you if they’re running late or have a last-minute question.
  • Send your guests detailed instructions on how to get to your list, and save time by including it all in your User Manual.
  • Let your guests know if you’ll be greeting them at the door, or if they intend to take the key from a lockbox or a neighbor’s house.

Experience with Billy Stay

Your guests will have the opportunity to evaluate their overall experience while staying at your ad. The average overall experience rating you receive will appear on your ad page. It also appears when a traveler is looking for a place to stay and sees ads matching their search criteria. Having a high overall rating is therefore an excellent way to stand out in search results.

Remember that many of your guests will be far from home, so try to anticipate what they’ll want, what they’ll find confusing and how you can help and guide them.

The personalization of each stay in line with the needs and personality of each customer – small behaviors leave a deep and permanent mark.

Ask them to add their comments to those of your customers, so that they can identify areas for improvement. They can tell you face-to-face or give you suggestions in private when they present their notes.

You have control over how you price your ad, but it’s important to set a price that takes into account expectations and what your ad has to offer. Guests also have the opportunity to rate the value of your ad, and the average of your ratings appears on your ad page.

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